Feels funny to know I’ll soon say goodbye to blogging

As soon as my laptop logs me off I’m done.

The WordPress website is pretty emphatic that if you don’t save backup codes, you’re fucked on an unpaid plan. Who knew? It’s yet another casualty of leaving AT&T. Lucky for me it’s not all that much of a punishment. I’ve given up or let go of so much already. What’s another thing? It’s not like I ever found another real audience either, once I excited the cult of ashtanga. Blogging has been an entrenched habit, but I don’t need it.

Of course there’s all the stuff in the now-closed Batcave/s. It’ll be stuck in a vault for as long as the internet lasts, lol. No biggie.

Maybe I’ll just start sharing my stats on Instagram. I don’t generally do that unless I feel they’re noteworthy for some reason, but if I just want a sharing platform… why not?



Heavy Weight No Rest Tabata & Circuits

10 Plank walk out pushup
11 Lunge and twist
12 Plank pendulum legs
13 Curtsy lunge round house leg
14 Butt kickers
15 Jumping jacks

No rest tabata 20:10 8x +8lb vest
1. Bulgarians: Split lunge DL (switch leg after 4 rounds) 30lbs
2. Push-up + alt t stand presses 30lbs: spider man reaches frm plank, knee to elbow & opp arm reaches forward
3. Incline Chest press: chest press hold + hip thrust 40lbs rest weights on quads for hip thrust No vest.
4. split lunge snatches: ski squats 30lbs This was REALLY hard! lol. I had one of those “will I or won’t I make it?” moments. (I made it.)

Circuit #1: 4x 8 reps each √, √, √, √ time = 21:03
1. (3) switch lunge weight pick up and set down 30lbs
2. alt curtsy to squat drop weight & jump = 1 rep 40lbs
3. Push-up alt t-stand + press arm up and dip and press = 1. Do 4 one arm & 4 the other 10lbs No vest 3rd & 4th rounds. I also dropped weight by 5lbs before starting this circuit, once  re-remembered it’s 4x.

Circuit #2: 3x time = 20:51
1. 10 clean and presses 40lbs
2. 15 tricep push-up on weights deadlift burpee 30lbs
3. 10 Bulgarians DL drop weight and hop (5/ per leg) = 1 rep 30lbs BRUTAL!!!

Circuit # 3: complex 5 reps each don’t drop weight 5x +8lb vest √, √, √, √, √ Time = 19:35
1. Deficit DL (from bench) 40lbs
2. SL Back load box squats to fwd lunge (RL Box squat, LL fwd lunge) 3/leg 20lbs 1st round, then 10lbs rounds 2 & 3, no weight but 8lb vest for last two rounds, lol.
3. Squat and press 30lbs
4. OH Rev lunges 3/leg 40lbs
5. Back load 1&3/4 squat 40lbs all the way down, to ¾, down & all the way up

(total time 1:34)


About 20min


My exercise & design of the day blogs will cease.

I’d always had the sneaky feeling that enabling 2-step identification might become a problem. Sure enough, with the hostile changeover from AT&T to Verizon, a bunch of unforeseen glitches occurred. So many websites want to automatically text a verification code. But you can’t get it to your new number before it’s activated, and once your old one is closed you can’t get it either.

I also just now discovered that there is no way to email for support unless you have a paid plan. (I’m too broke.) I think I’ve got about 400 followers or something like that, but that’s not some impressive amount and it’s not like my blogs have ever led to paid gigs. Granted I’ve only started blogging the art & design stuff regularly since I flew through the employment-killing force field on the way to the economic black hole that is Portland, Oregon. It’s more like throwing a message into a bottle than anything else.

Maybe I should take it as a sign & just stop blogging?

I posted my message on the forum & it looks like I won’t ever be able to get access to this account again because I didn’t generate any backup codes, at the time of enabling the stupid 2-step. (As if I post anything that needs to be kept that secure.).

If You Lose Your Device

If you lose your device, accidentally remove the authenticator app, or are otherwise locked out of your account, the only way to get back in to your account is by using a Backup Code.

To use a backup code, fill in your login details like you normally would. When asked about the login code enter the backup code instead. Remember: backup codes are only valid for one time each so be careful when using them.

So there you go! Once I’m out I’m out. I can still blog company complaints on LinkedIn though, and link to relevant pages, so there’s that.

iPage is a shitty, grifting kind of website host

3.6.17 refund fuckery.jpg

Hey, this is $48 in beer money they owe me, and I’ve got time. I’ll drag this on as long as they like, tweeting and posting all the way. I’ll update my Better Business complaint too. At present time I’m waiting for a mailing address from Winona, who has insisted I produce a letter from my principle the bank. Sure! I’ll go down there tomorrow & see someone from customer service. That’ll probably actually be faster than wading through the phone maze and explaining the situation to a bunch of different people.

#tabata, abs & #yoga

Shitty corporations & products made to die young

I got my workout in, and I FINALLY got my phone unlocked from the dreaded AT&T and connected to Verizon!!! Had started the process of changing carriers on the 13th. It took 18 days, all of which was caused by AT&T refusing to go in & do a manual unlock until I finally filed a Better Business claim.

And now of course I have to deal with laptop issues. I was forced to replace the last one in March 2015. I’ve had three Mac laptops and two desktop. I’ve noticed with the former that their little lives get shorter and shorter and shorter.


Nadine’s Weighted Tabata


Weighted Tabata Workout
1. Clean to Front Squat 40lbs, hammer it up (+ 8lb vest)
2. Reverse Lunges 35lbs

1. Goblet Squat + Pivot + Press 40lbs (+ 8lb vest)
2. Dumbbell Good Morning 30lbs

1. Deep squat +Reverse Curl +Press 30lbs (+ 8lb vest)
2. Alt Forward Lunge + Press Out 15lbs

1. Chest Fly to Weighted Crunch 30lbs. Can just squeeze thru the abs.
2. Side Lunge Hammer Curl (Alt) 30lbs

1. 1-Arm Dumbbell Snatch (R) 15 first rounds each side then 20lbs
2. 1-Arm Dumbbell Snatch (L)

1. Goblet Drop Squat 35lbs Kicked my ASS holding the kettlebell
2. Split hop curls 20lbs

1. Upward Chop 2 rounds of these 2/ 20lbs. Too light so I changed to reg swings w/ 35lb kettlebell
2. 2 Push-ups + 2 heel clicks

1. Shuffle + Press Jacks 20lbs
2. Lunge with Paddle 20lbs

1. Cross Body Curls or Cross Body Curl Hops 40lbs
2. Hop-Over Upright Rows two 20s. Could use 25s.

1. Oblique Hop x2 + Donkey Kick
2. 1-arm DB swing 20lbs

Ab Finisher 30:5 3 Rounds
3-Way Pike Knee Tucks (L)
Forearm Hip Dips
From hands, feet elevated Forearm Knee Tucks
3-Way Pike Knee Tucks (R)


  • do these w/ single interval timer, 10/30×1 (longer time to get into pose)
  1. Ardha Matseyen
  2. other side
  3. Marichy C
  4. other side
  5. Marichy D
  6. other side
  7. Pashasana (try right side first)
  8. other side
  • do these w/ interval timer 15/30=24min
  1. Shalabhasana A
  2. Shalabhasana B
  3. Hanuman R
  4. with backbend
  5. Hanuman L
  6. with backbend
  7. 1/2 Bheka
  8. Other side
  9. Standing arch A
  10. Forward bend
  11. Stanging arch B
  12. Forward bend
  13. Standing arch C
  14. Uttana
  15. Standing arch C
  16. Seated moving twist
  17. Standing arch D
  18. Uttana
  19. Standing arch D
  20. Seated moving twist
  21. Ustrasana 1
  22. Ustrasana 2
  23. Rest
  24. Kapo hang
  25. Kapo B
  26. Rest
  27. Urdhva D 1
  28. Rest
  29. Urdhva D2
  30. rest
  31. Urdhva D3
  32. rest

Some finishing poses

Did another #ashtanga #yoga practice, a little more this time

I’m probably going to be doing a whole lot more yoga. It goes well with my studies, which I cannot wait to talk about (in April).

In other news, I FINALLY GOT MY IPHONE UNOCKED FROM AT&T & CONNECTED TO VERIZON! Woot! Woot! Am just finishing up the process of restoring the stuff on it from this morning’s backup!


Random thoughts that came up

  • Static stretching & my tendency to do everything my own way: It’s funny that I was doing static stretching for years as a warm-up to ashtanga practice, for which the “conventional wisdom” and recommendations are that you do as close to nothing to prepare, before the Suryas, as possible. In my case there are certain poses that address specific bodily imbalances which, if done briefly before an ashtanga routine, make the whole thing much more enjoyable. Contrary to some indications I try to limit my masochism
  • The beginner’s mind & the irony that excessive ego attachment is so much more prevalent in adept yoga practitioners. It makes total sense. People are attracted to things they’re good at, hence most yoga teachers are individuals who’ve experienced a lot of ego gratification via yoga, especially in the Instagram age.

Today’s practice

  • Suryas & fundamentals
  • my basic Primary, with standard omissions and additions
  • Realized I’d forgotten the Ardha Baddha Padmo yesterday. No wonder why Titthibhasana B was hard to bind! Was more of a slow, tedious practice than yesterday, but yoga is harder in a way that is not recognized by “the burn”. Also, problematically, if you increase your range of motion you kind of have to maintain attention to this permanently. This is because when lifting or building strength, things travel more than they should, and if you don’t stretch & smooth them out regularly they congeal in bad formations.
  • 2nd thru Laghu Vajrasana, then a Kapo B. I’m still not attempting a bind and lowering elbows these days. Too risky. And I didn’t precede that with an EPRK (Eka Pada Rada Kapo) because I haven’t been practicing consistently.
  • But I did do my 3 drop backs and 3 ticks after Urdhva D.
  • Finishing to my Sirsasana menu. I skipped the rest of the finishing because I’d decided to do my daily sit & pranayama after.


  • 1:17 to end of series poses for the day (to Kapo B today, w/ no Kapo reg. This is my way, post “Miami”).
  • 1:27 to finishing


#ashtanga #yoga was EXACTLY what I needed today

I had to start a bit late though, because I ate some of the most excellent (and vegan!) bean soup I made yesterday for a late lunch. I actually cooked a totally untested recipe for jam night without really worrying. It was spontaneous.

I say this over and over but I really can’t afford to neglect the yoga. I should do one full practice a week, meaning something that involves some decent forward bending, back bending, drop back and ticks. I was stiff! For the first time in memory I couldn’t just stroll into the Titthibhasana B [EDIT UPDATE, correction] that I usually do right before Kurmasana. I couldn’t get the bind! So I threw in an extra LBH that isn’t  normally in this mix, Eka Pada Sirsasana. Even then it was really tough to bind that Titthi (lol). Other LBH was as usual though, not harder.

Because it was enough to “get on the mat” in a real way (it happens so rarely) I didn’t do any of the beginning of 2nd, that I sometimes will do after my version of primary. I wanted to save my psychological fortitude for the 3 drop backs and 3 ticks. I hadn’t done ticks downstairs, where someone might witness, in ages. Mission accomplished.


Does it take a team of NASA scientists & astronauts to #unlock an #iPhone from #ATT?

Since the last agent I spoke to on the phone initiated unlock request #4, I’ve gotten two email denials. One had the time stamp of 4:14am and the other at 12:00pm. I also got an email from Lakeitha, who “works within the Office of the President for AT&T”. She will be my “point of contact”. Does it take a team of NASA scientists & astronauts to unlock an iPhone from AT&T? I got the second rejection after I heard from Lakeitha and had already responded. When I saw the latest I forwarded it, along with a PDF of the Outline of Events & a screen shot of my phone’s settings, featuring the IMEI. (I guess that’ll be added to the outline next!). I also filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. I’d given them over three strikes. 

Obviously I don’t have a fucking cell phone, so we need to set up a time to speak.


All AT&TCares did was pass me off from one person to another. It’s 4pm on the west coast and my phone is not unlocked! Besides that, I want the extra $31 they charged me for termination refunded back. They owe me money at this point.

relates to this post.

Ha! I burned only 297 doing a workout that says it’s good for 700 calories

Julia has spoiled me! That’s why I didn’t post the supposed burn as part of the routine title, which is how it’s shown on YouTube. I at least expected to hit half way though, not like 42%. Goes to show just how hard I’m working when I actually DO burn north of 700.

I should’ve done one of Julia’s short routines with a more serious yoga. I haven’t done anything approaching a “complete” yoga practice in quite awhile. Oh wells. I added on 35min of the easy stuff & at least cracked 400.

111 average is an indication the whole thing was tedious, lol

7X7 Workout | Strength, Cardio, Booty, Core

Section 1: Warmup + Cardio (50:10)
1) Jumping jacks
2) squat and twist
3) bird-dog
4) glute bridge
5) pendulum lunge + switch
6) side lunge into plank
7) prisoner squat jumping jacks

Section 2: Upper Body AMRAP (7 minutes) 2 rounds + 7 bicep curls
1) bicep curls – 12 reps 30LBS
2) tricep dips – 10 reps
3) army press – 10 reps 20lbs 1st round & 26lbs 2nd
4) SA row – 10 reps 20lbs (too light)

Section 3: Cardio (50:10) +8lb vest
1) jugglers
2) speed skaters
3) 2 plank hops, 1 tuck jump
4) fast feet
5) plank jack w/ shoulder tap
6) toe touch jacks
7) hop over weight 6x, 10 mountain climbers

Section 4: Lower Body (50:10)
1) goblet squats 35lbs
2) squat jumps
3) step up, lunge back (right leg)
4) step up, lunge back (left leg)
5) switch lunges
6) SL Deadlift hip thrust (right leg) 30lbs I did enough hip thrusts yesterday!
7) Other side

Section 5: BURPEES (50:10) No vest. Is too loose and annoying for a burpee set.
1) star burpees
2) plank row burpees 40lbs I can do hammer curls w/ 20lbs in each hand now. Who knew? BTW the last Bodyrock workout I did, forgot to mention that I hadn’t brought my crossfit assist band downstairs so I did full range pull-ups & chin-ups w/ no assist. I’ll have to note how many reps I got for each next time.
3) pike pushup/regular pushup burpees
4) frog burpees
5) tricep burpees
6) 180 degree burpees with tuck jump
7) squat jump pushup burpees

Section 6: Booty Burnout (50:10) With 5lb ankle weights (5lb ea leg)
1) glute kick backs (right leg)
2) glute kick backs (left leg)
3) laying leg lift (right leg)
4) laying leg lift (left leg)
5) squat and leg lift (right leg)
6) squat and leg lift (left leg)
7) elevated plank glute raises

Section 7: Core Burnout (50:10)
1) knee-in sliders
2) side plank (right side)
3) pike sliders
4) side plank (left side)
5) russian twist
6) baby plank walk with sliders

(Time 59:34 burn 297!)


  • 35min
  • Suryas, fundamentals, some twisting, savasana

#neverthelessshepersisted • Today’s #workout (awesome like a hotdog)

I’m dealing with TWO fraudulent, infuriating corporations at the same time! Nevertheless I had a great workout

AT&T is even worse than iPage, because they’re holding my iPhone hostage. I may have gotten through with the AT&T this morning however. My 3rd unlock request failed. Called yesterday (for the umpteenth time) after the 2nd denial. Found out someone there had not gotten my IMEI number into my account, probably when I bought my latest iPhone in February 2015, and therefore the “information didn’t match”, causing their asshole system to throw my request in the trash, yet again. My 2/27 agent said he “couldn’t” put in unlock request #4 from his end, since my account is closed. My 2/28 agent went to a specialist & got permission to initiate, and she put some notes into the request. Who knows if it’ll work? I waited until I was done with my morning work before I checked the unlock portal today, as yesterday I’d been so upset it’d zapped all my energy into oblivion. The frustration and impotent rage sends my adrenalin levels through the fucking roof, and then it takes a long time to calm down, after which I’m often exhausted. Yesterday I fell asleep in the late afternoon for awhile and still went to bed at 9:30.

iPage… the stories are just too long. I only found two other reviews on Google, where I went to get a corporate address for the sake of my Better Business Bureau complaint. The other reviews were both one star, and I added mind. Updated it once already too! Let a picture suffice for today’s summary. Generally, I try to give them three doses of negative exposure each time they irritate me with their ineptness.

Your iPage Account Will Not Be Renewed-1.jpg

Cracked 800 on the burn!

Broken Pyramid by Christine Comeau

I decided to just do a Julia workout following along, without any preview at all, pausing where  ever necessary.

Warm up 30:30
1. Walk out pushup
2. Lateral lunge + twist to open
3. High knees
4. Jacks
5. Crab dip + reach back
6. Skaters

Round 1 (14 reps) 13” Elv
1. Lunge: Bulgarian + deadlift (14/leg) 30lbs + 8lb vest

Round 2 (50:10) 13” Elv 10 min +8lb vest
1. Lunge: Lizards
2. Butt: box jump + glute squeeze at the top and bottom
3. Squat: Broad jump + ninja (hands behind head)
4. Push up: Pushup fast knee tuck
5. Kick boxing: 4 plank punches + jump to squat + 4 crosses
6. Shoulders: pike push up + kick up to handstand
7. Bicep: ski squat jump + hammer curl in squat 30lbs
8. Tricep: tricep fall + plank hop in + 180 tuck jump
9. Plank: commando down + elbow to knees + commando up + pike jump in
10. Bench abs: decline tricep push up on bench + hop pike in & back up + toe touches x 2

Round 3 (No rest tabata 20:10 x 6) 6 min 40lbs w/ 8lb vest
1. Lunge: Forward lunge
a. Strict mtn climbers
2. Butt: hip thrusts
a. hip thrust holds

Round 4 (50:10) 9 min + 8lb vest
1. Lunge: curtsy lunge 40lbs
2. Butt: deadlift 40lbs (no longer a challenge but it’s the heaviest I got)
3. Squat: back load box squat 40lbs
4. Push up: push up on weights + t-stand press 20lbs
5. Kick boxing: front kick + elbow + 180 tuck
6. Shoulders: bicep curl + arnold press 30lbs
7. Bicep: narrow to wide bicep curls 30lbs
8. Tricep: weighted plank walk forward + staggered tricep push up 20lbs (failure w/ the staggered push-ups + vest!)
9. Plank: Plank lateral walk x 3 + kickthroughs

Round 5 (12 rep based) + 8lb vest
1. Lunge: Rev lunge 40lbs
2. Butt: sumo deadlifts 40lbs
3. Squat: sumo squat + leg lifts 30lbs

Round 6 (50:10) 6 min
1. Lunge: goblet curtsy up and over and switch 20lbs
2. Butt: lateral box jump + pistol squat+ 180 to switch took off vest just for this move cause of the pistol squats
3. Squat: broad jump + bunny hop back
4. Push ups: SL push up + open to side plank + upper leg lift
5. Kick boxing: 3 hooks + switch kick
6. Shoulders: split lunge snatch 30lbs
7. Bicep: boat hold bicep curl 20lbs
8. Tricep: crab walk forward + flip over to tricep push up + crab walk back + flip over to tricep push up This was harder than you’d think! Liked it tho.

Round 7 (tabata pairs time pyramid 10:10:20:10:30:10:40:10:40:10:30:10:20:10:10:10) 9:20 min +8lb vest
1. Lunge: alt plyo curtsy
2. Butt: dragon lunges 30lbs 1st round then 35lb kettlebell

3. Squat: 3 weighted squat pulses + squat jump
4. Push up: decline pushup + plank hop DL

Seriously cooked at this point! (1:09)

Round 8 (50:10) 7 min +8lb vest
1. Lunge: weighted lateral touchdowns 20lbs
2. Butt: Step up rev and switch Used higher elevation (my hope chest) now that I’m working out downstairs again. Have to measure it.
3. Squat: twerknado + burpee two 20lbs
4. Push up: weighted ups burpees 30lbs
5. Kick boxing: crunch up + 4 weighted crosses 20lbs
6. Shoulders: around the world arms + squat while front raising 20lbs
7. Bicep: rev grip pushups

Round 9 (10 rep) +8lb vest
1. Lunge: fwd lunge to SL DL to rev lunge (5/leg) 30lbs
2. Butt: decline donkey kicks (10/leg)
3. Squat: front load squats 40lbs
4. Push up: push up + side plank press + tricep ext 10lbs
5. Kick boxing: roll back tuck jump cross cross took off vest here & left it off!

Round 10 (tabata pairs) 20:10 4x each pair 6 min no vest (feels like the cool down, lol)
1. Lunge: groiners
2. Butt: deadlift + plank hop 40lbs

3. Squat: Quadzilla box jumps
4. Push up: pushup plank hop

5. Kick boxing: 4 weighted uppers + 2 sumo squats + 4 weighted uppers 20lbs
6. Shoulders: clean and press 40lbs

(Total time 1:37)


About 20min

Wow, that was intense! #workout

That first set! I give myself 15 seconds for transition / list checking / face drying time. I had to slow down on the jump rope because I kept going north of 170 and I hit 180 more than once. Felt ok though, but that’s definitely when I ease up. I can feel the beginning of dizziness there.


BodyRock – 50 Min Real Time Full Body Workout

  • Two sets of HIIT with a 2min break in between = 49:40
  • (15/50) Repeat cardio: jumprope
  1. Push-up, clean & press, squat & press 40lbs
  2. SA clean & press, squat & press 20lbs
  3. Other side
  4. Squat & arnold press 40lbs
  5. Decline push-up & alt knee touch
  6. Tuck jump burpee
  7. Pull-ups
  8. Side push-up & knee in
  9. Other side
  10. Bent over flies 30lbs
  11. Swings 35lb kettlebell

2min rest Boy did I need this! I hit 180 in the swings, lol. 

  1. Tricep dips w/ switch kicks
  2. Cross push-up Extend alt leg straight to opp side, resting foot on floor, push-up & then same foot to opp elbow
  3. Around the world 20lbs
  4. Sumo squat (with upright rows) 30lbs
  5. Chin-ups
  6. Alt shoulder press 40lbs
  7. Tuck abs 3lbs bet feet
  8. Side lunge with front raise 20lbs
  9. Other side with lateral raise 20lbs
  10. Bicep curls 30lbs
  11. Leg lifts, fast up & down slow 3lbs bet feet


  • (10/50=12min) No jump rope this section.
  1. Mountain climbers
  2. Leg lifts, slow up & down fast 3lbs bet feet
  3. Mat jumps
  4. V-abs, on side, 3lbs bet feet bringing back down to flat & torso facing up between reps
  5. Pike abs on sliders
  6. V-abs other side 3lbs
  7. Heel clicks / Donkey kicks
  8. Crunch, elbows to knees & tap feet to floor
  9. Commandos
  10. Elbow to opp knee, elevated feet
  11. Bike abs
  12. Flutter kicks

(time = 1:04)


  • About 25min